Particle Physics, 3rd Edition (Manchester Physi...
In particle physics, an event refers to the results just after a fundamental interaction takes place between subatomic particles, occurring in a very short time span, at a well-localized region of space. Because of the uncertainty principle, an event in particle physics does not have quite the same meaning as it does in the theory of relativity, in which an "event" is a point in spacetime which can be known exactly, i.e., a spacetime coordinate.
Particle Physics, 3rd Edition (Manchester Physi...
Particle Physics, Third Edition, provides a short introduction to particle physics, which emphasizes the foundations of the standard model in experimental data, rather than its more formal and theoretical aspects. It is intended for undergraduate students who have previously taken introductory courses in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity.
This new edition of Nuclear and Particle Physics continues the standards established by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive and highly readable overview of both the theoretical and experimental areas of these fields. The updated and expanded text covers a very wide range of topics in particle and nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the phenomenological approach to understanding experimental data. It is one of the few publications currently available that gives equal treatment to both fields, while remaining accessible to undergraduates.
Early chapters cover basic concepts of nuclear and particle physics, before describing their respective phenomenologies and experimental methods. Later chapters interpret data through models and theories, such as the standard model of particle physics, and the liquid drop and shell models of nuclear physics, and also discuss many applications of both fields. The concluding two chapters deal with practical applications and outstanding issues, including extensions to the standard model, implications for particle astrophysics, improvements in medical imaging, and prospects for power production. There are a number of useful appendices. Other notable features include:
Updated and expanded edition of this well-known Physics textbook provides an excellent Undergraduate introduction to the fieldThis new edition of Nuclear and Particle Physics continues the standards established by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive and highly readable overview of both the theoretical and experimental areas of these fields. The updated and expanded text covers a very wide range of topics in particle and nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the phenomenological approach to understanding experimental data. It is one of the few publications currently available that gives equal treatment to both fields, while remaining accessible to undergraduates. Early chapters cover basic concepts of nuclear and particle physics, before describing their respective phenomenologies and experimental methods. Later chapters interpret data through models and theories, such as the standard model of particle physics, and the liquid drop and shell models of nuclear physics, and also discuss many applications of both fields. The concluding two chapters deal with practical applications and outstanding issues, including extensions to the standard model, implications for particle astrophysics, improvements in medical imaging, and prospects for power production. There are a number of useful appendices. Other notable features include: New or expanded coverage of developments in relevant fields, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson, recent results in neutrino physics, research to test theories beyond the standard model (such as supersymmetry), and important technical advances, such as Penning traps used for high-precision measurements of nuclear masses.
Practice problems at the end of chapters (excluding the last chapter) with solutions to selected problems provided in an appendix, as well as an extensive list of references for further reading.
Companion website with solutions (odd-numbered problems for students, all problems for instructors), PowerPoint lecture slides, and other resources.
As with previous editions, the balanced coverage and additional resources provided, makes Nuclear and Particle Physics an excellent foundation for advanced undergraduate courses, or a valuable general reference text for early graduate studies.
Particle Physics, Third Edition, provides a short introduction to particle physics, which emphasizes the foundations of the standard model in experimental data, rather than its more formal and theoretical aspects. It is intended for undergraduate students who have previously taken introductory courses in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and special relativity.The structure of the book is simple. The first three chapters give a brief overview of the subject. They introduce some of the basic ideas that are used extensively throughout the rest of the book and discuss leptons, quarks and hadrons and the interactions between them. The remaining chapters discuss a wide selection of important topics in more detail. These include experimental methods; space-time symmetries; the quark model of hadrons; quantum chromodynamics and jet physics; the weak interaction, including its unification with the electromagnetic interaction, and CP-violation and related symmetries; and a brief account of some of the important open questions beyond the standard model that are currently being investigated in laboratories around the world. Problems to aid student study are given at the end of each chapter, with solutions given in an Appendix.Particle Physics 3rd Edition features: Expanded coverage of neutrino physics, including recent experimental result on neutrino mixing and neutrino masses. A revised and updated discussion of modern particle detectors and experiments. A fuller treatment of the Higgs mechanism and experimental searches for the Higgs boson. A more extensive discussion of CP violation, including new results B decays their implications for the standard model. An updated treatment of physics beyond the standard model, including the expanding field of particle astrophysics and cosmology.
The work of this world-class sub-department is in experimental particle physics, particle astrophysics and accelerator physics. Particle physics is the study of basic constituents of matter and their interactions. This is accomplished either directly with accelerators that create the particles under study or by observing high-energy particles from outer space.
This book is suitable for those taking courses on particle physics, general relativity, and cosmology. Readers mathematically inclined who wish to enhance their basic knowledge about the early Universe, will also find this book suitable to move up to the next level.
Eitan Abraham is an Honorary Associate Professor of Physics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. Born in Israel and grown up in Argentina, he received his BSc from the University of Buenos Aires. The same year he became a postgraduate student at the University of Manchester and obtained his PhD in Quantum Optics. After postdoctoral work in Manchester and Edinburgh, he became an Assistant Professor at Heriot-Watt University. Initially, he did research in Theoretical Quantum and Nonlinear Optics. After a few years, his interests shifted to Josephson Junction circuits, High-Temperature Superconductivity, Magnetoelectricity and cosmological applications of the Bohm-de Broglie formulation of Quantum Mechanics. He then joined the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering at Heriot-Watt, where he investigated and proposed a model for the uptake of nanoparticles by cells. As a Physics Colloquia organiser between 2010 and 2012, he has invited eight Nobel Laureates and the Director-General of CERN, a month after the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. He has worked as a visiting scientist in European countries, the former USSR and the USA. He has many years of experience in teaching nuclear and particle physics, quantum field theory and general relativity to final-year students. For fifteen years he has been Director of Computational Physics. His main recreations include tennis, gym workouts, reading, and social life. 041b061a72